Fixed rear side window right for Porsche 911 & 911 Turbo 65 - 77 Coupé clear glass

Item number WSN1034
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Fixed rear side window right for Porsche 911 & 911 Turbo 65 - 77 Coupé clear glass

The rear right side window for Porsche 911 & 911 Turbo 65 - 77 coupe is a high quality replacement clear glass window. It is designed specifically for Porsche 911 and 911 Turbo models from 1965 to 1977. The side window is located on the right side of the vehicle and fits perfectly into the body.

The clear glass window provides a clear view to the outside and gives the vehicle a look that is true to the original. It meets Porsche's high quality standards and is made of robust material that can withstand the demands of road traffic.

The rear side window plays an important role in the safety and comfort of the occupants. It ensures pleasant ventilation of the vehicle interior and at the same time protects against wind and weather. It also contributes to the stability of the car body.

The installation of the rear side window should ideally be performed by an experienced professional to ensure a precise fit and a safe installation. By replacing the side window, owners of a 1965 to 1977 Porsche 911 or 911 Turbo can maintain or restore the originality of their vehicle.

Overall, the rear right side window for Porsche 911 & 911 Turbo 65 - 77 coupe clear glass is a high quality component that meets the demands of Porsche vehicles in both appearance and functionality.

Porsche reference number: 901.543.102.20 90154310220 901 543 102 20

  • Coupé
Gearbox type
  • 4-speed manual transmission
  • 5-speed manual gearbox
  • Automatic gearbox
  • Sportomatic transmission
Model type
  • 2.0E
  • 2.0L
  • 2.0S
  • 2.0T
  • 2.2E
  • 2.2S
  • 2.2T
  • 2.4E
  • 2.4S
  • 2.4T
  • 2.7 RS
  • 912 1.6
  • 2.7
  • 2.7 Carrera
  • 2.7S
  • 3.0 Turbo

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